You think you know...

10 things you probably don't know about me; 1. I am extremely passionate about the media, I just feel like there are so many outlets fo...

10 things you probably don't know about me;
1. I am extremely passionate about the media, I just feel like there are so many outlets for people's talents and so many platforms for us to reach out and touch someone else's life. We are really lucky to have the technology and FREEDOM that we have.
2. I have a superficial love for newspapers. While I'm passionate about reading, writing and having the ability to inform the people about what they deserve to know, I also love newspapers for more superfluous reasons. I like the way they feel and when you're done reading one your hands are black with ink. I like the way they smell. You can make stuff with them when you have writer's block. And, I just like the way all those words look.
3. I collect barbies. Barbie is a classic toy and a role model for girls. You can be beautiful and independent/successful at the same time. Barbie taught me that just because you want to pursue your dreams doesn't mean you have to sacrifice other aspects of your life.
4. I think girls need to have better self-esteems and if you get me rolling on this topic I will chat your ear off. The better you feel about yourself, the more confidence you carry yourself and people will notice your beauty not your flaws. You are you're own worst critic, trust me.
5. I have a few fears most people that know me know my main fears are clowns, whales, and people in costume. Here's one most people do not know; I'm afraid of bridges and some sidewalks give me anxiety.
6. I'm a little bad at the c word (commitment)
7. I'm a "lifer" once you've become my friend, no matter what happens, I will always care about you and think about you nearly everyday. I'm not even exaggerating.
8. Whenever I'm sad I watch Cats
9. When I used to go for runs back home I would run to the cemetery as fast as I possibly could so that by the time I got there I would just collapse next to my moms headstone and talk to her for hours. It didn't matter how hot or cold the weather was I'd just lay out there. I miss that most now that I moved away.
10. I have to have routine in my personal life and mass chaos in my work day. That's why I'm so happy to finally have my dream job that keeps me running around all day everyday without any rhyme or reason. Then I can keep my morning and night-time routines.

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