I'm No Fashionista, But...

Sept 4th:  Pick a fashion trend you love and a fashion trend you hate. Win us over! On the fourth day of this Blogtember Challenge I am t...

Sept 4th: Pick a fashion trend you love and a fashion trend you hate. Win us over!

On the fourth day of this Blogtember Challenge I am to tell you about a fashion trend I love and a fashion trend I hate. Interesting.

What I love:

high-low floral chiffon dress with lace - maurices.com
Love the floral like this dress from Maurices. Check it our here!
My closet has always contained an obscene amount of striped clothing. I love looking like a prisoner apparently.
But, lately I have been loving all of the sweet floral patterns lately.
And since I'm a big fan of the classic and sweet looks paired with something like an army style jacket or a leather jacket.
I love pairing sweet and simple with a touch of grunge. But, since I dress professionally every day for work I usually just stick to simple. So what styles do you love?

What I Don't Love

Cropped tops. I don't want my belly hanging out no matter how good it looks and I don't particularly like looking at other people's belly's either. But, that's just me.

Anyways, if I had to pick that's what I would say. Otherwise. I usually don't think about fashion trends too much I just buy what is comfortable, looks good on me and is professional.

Your Turn:
Tell me your favorite and least favorite trends, or maybe you really don't care. Tell me! Let's chat about it on Facebook, Twitter or right here in the comments:

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  1. I love floral patterns on clothes and I chose cropped tops for my fashion hate too so snap!

  2. I was examining my wardrobe the other day and apparently I'm a sucker for anything purple! That's my LOVE. My hate would have to be when people wear their pants too low or don't use a belt and show TOO much butt!

    1. Hi Heidi! :-) what a pleasant surprise!
      I agree with the pants too low thing...don't people feel concerned about their butts hanging out? Because I feel concerned about that. No one wants to see your underpants OR your bare butt hanging out!

  3. Omg yes! I dont like crop tops too because of the reasons you gave! Btw, thumbs up for the floral patterns! :DDD

  4. I think crop tops are so cute, even though I have yet to try one on!! I hope when I do I'll still like them... or else I'll be very heartbroken lol

    As far as crop tops on other people, if they have a nice tummy I don't mind them at all :)


    1. I haven't tried one on either. Heck, maybe if I did, my opinion would be different. :-D

  5. I love that dress! Super cute style. I don't like crop tops either, my lumps and bumps can stay firmly hidden thank you! haha

    Looking forward to todays post Lacey :)

  6. I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award!



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