10 weird (But True) Things About Small Town Living

And now for the 10 weird but true things about living in a (my) small town! 10. We dress up our landmarks.  9. People get married...

And now for the 10 weird but true things about living in a (my) small town!

10. We dress up our landmarks. 
9. People get married at the county fairgrounds.
8. You know everyone...literally everyone.
7. There's only a handful of places to eat out.
6. People know gossip about you before you even do.
5. If you are seen in a drive through people will tell you they saw you there. Why?! 
4. We get excited when we hear someone's going to open a new business even if it takes a year to actually open.
3. You are ever so slightly behind the rest of the world in fashion and popular music most of the time.
2. Town celebrations are like class reunions every year.
1. Everyone complains about living in a small town but secretly wouldn't have it any other way.

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  1. That pretty much sums it up. We don't really have any landmarks to dress up, but if we did, I'm sure we would.

    You forgot to add, if you move here you'd better be related to someone already here or you might as well be from Mars.

  2. #1 is so true! and yeah, i've had people tell me they have seen me in the drive thrus...lol!


  3. FarmWife, you are so right on that one. People think you're crazy when you move into a small town and weren't from there originally!
    And Meredith, I thought you might appreciate this one! :-)
    Jessica, isn't that crazy? Then after I made this post I told someone else that I saw them in the drive thru the other day.


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