Liebster Award!

Thank you so much to Hannah over at The Thing About.. She nominated me for the Liebster Award. Which is an award for bloggers from blogge...

Thank you so much to Hannah over at The Thing About.. She nominated me for the Liebster Award. Which is an award for bloggers from bloggers, giving new bloggers recognition and all that great stuff. It makes me feel very welcome into the blogging community!

I have blogged for a couple of years but only recently become serious about it and it is awesome to know that other people have taken some notice. So very flattering! 

Now, I want to take the time to do the same and nominate a few blogs which I enjoy reading. are the rules:

  • You must answer all questions that are given to you
  • Must link back to the person that nominated you
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
  • Provide nominees with 11 questions of your choice
  • Cannot nominate the person who nominated you
  • Must inform nominees of your nomination
  • Provide nominees with a link to your post for more info

And, here's my answer's to Hannah's questions, so you all can get to know a little more about me!

1) Who is your favourite Disney character who is not a ‘main character.’
Great question! I would have to say Flounder from the Little Mermaid. He's such a scaredy cat but still follows Ariel on all of her adventures! What a good friend!
2) If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Honestly, I love living in Minnesota. I don't think I would want to live anywhere else. But, if I did pick anywhere else I would live somewhere in Montana, USA. The mountains and landscape is beautiful!
3) What is you ‘go to’ fancy dress costume?
My go to fancy outfit. I have a black polka dot dress that always makes me feel classy. That would be the one.
4) Name three films which make you cry every time you watch them.
Fireproof, Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail.
5) Favourite sandwich filling?
Peanut Butter and Pickles! :-)
6) What is your worst habit?
Oh man, do I have to admit it? Haha just kidding, I would say belching would be my worst habit but anyone who knows me is quite used to it by now.
7) If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Sushi or Taco Salad, at least those are the two I'm obsessed with at the moment.
8) Who is your style icon?
Barbie, circa 1960 and Audrey Hepburn!
9) What is your life’s greatest ambition?
My greatest life ambition was to become a newspaper reporter, which is what I'm doing now. Now, my next ambition is to finish writing my novel.
10) Who is your most embarrassing crush?
In the past I would have to say my most embarrassing crush was Clay Aiken.

11) Who is the most influential person in your life?
The most influential person in my life...well there are many. I am blessed to have lots of strong, smart, kindhearted people in my life. My dad is probably the number one on that list though. He taught me how to be funny, patient, understanding and kind.

Here are the 11 questions for my nominees:
  1. What is your greatest motivation for blogging?
  2. Small town or City life?
  3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  4. What is your dream job to have?
  5. What is your favorite subject to blog or write about?
  6. Who dead or alive is your hero?
  7. What is the best book you have read in your entire life?
  8. What simple thing in life makes you the happiest?
  9. How do you unwind after a long day?
  10. Would you rather watch TV, rent a movie or read a book? and Why?!
  11. What is your least favorite food?
And, now without further ado, here are my nominations:

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  1. You're very welcome! You deserve it!

  2. OMG! Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me!

  3. You're welcome! Your blog looks awesome and now we are all just waiting to read even more awesome posts! You rock! :)


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