Things that make me feel young!
6/13/2011A couple days ago, a friend of mine posted a link to a list of things called 40 Things That Will Make You Feel Old ( It featured pictures of fads from when we were kids and things like that. It made me feel a little old. If anything it probably made boy bands and girl singers feel old (Backstreet Boys are over 30 years old now!!!!). There's a few things that pop up every now and then that make me feel old:
- 5 year class reunions, we didn't have one but the fact that I'm even old enough to be having reunions of any kind, makes me feel sort of old.
- Realizing that I was in college before Facebook was the cool thing.
- Being in or invited to friends' weddings (I can't believe we're old enough to date let alone be married, where does the time go?)
- I've watched American Idol for 10 years, 10 YEARS!
- Spongebob has been my top choice cartoon since 7th grade, 10 years again!
- And quite frankly, the fact that Surge has been off the market for 10 years, does make me feel quite old...
- My grandparents
- And for that matter my father
- I'm not married or do not have children
- I have only been of drinking age for 1, almost 2 years.
- I still can't rent a car without being questioned (you have to be 25 for that)
- Looking at my collections that I had started as a kid and realizing they aren't worth big bucks yet
- The fact that I can still watch Nickelodeon and be thoroughly entertained by it.
- Fart jokes still entertain me
- I haven't read all the classics on my list (I think once I finish that mental must read list, I'm going to feel a little grown-up)
- And last but not least, Slip N' Slides