Happy Birthday to me: a year in review

Most people make New Year resolutions. I make Birthday resolutions. And since today is my 26th Birthday, I figured it would be time for an...

Most people make New Year resolutions. I make Birthday resolutions.

And since today is my 26th Birthday, I figured it would be time for an evaluation of my 25th year of life.

What happened this year:

  • I won a First Place award for an arts and entertainment story I wrote
  • I was able to attend my first Minnesota Newspaper Association convention where I was proud to be surrounded my people who share my same passion for journalism.
  • I moved into a house on the edge of town from and apartment right in town...with my boyfriend
  • I went on an unforgettable vacation to Glacier National Park and Yellowstone National Park
  • I got engaged
  • I went on a surprise trip to NYC (yes, my now fiancĂ© surprised me with a weekend trip to NYC)
  • I saw Newsies on Broadway
  • I was a part of two of my dear friends' weddings
  • My sister got married
  • My best friend became engaged
  • I bought a new computer after more than two years of using one that did not work, which led to the fact that;
  • I made the awesome decision to begin working on my idea for a novel (And this is the big, exciting secret I've been teasing everyone with.)
So, with such an overwhelmingly awesome year last year, I have some big expectations for next year!

Stay tuned for my goals for the year and be sure to follow along throughout the year as I share stories about wedding planning and engagement, adjusting to all the transitions is life and my progress as I pursue the writing of my novel.

Happy Birthday to me and here's to another awesome year of life!

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