Job Search Continues!!
1/17/2011Okay so here's a little work towards a couple things on my list (numbers 4 & 6)
"I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time." --Forrest GumpSo, I had just gone through the interview process at a weekly newspaper in my area. I had two interviews so I was pretty proud. I just heard back that I didn't get the job, I'm bummed but everything happens for a reason, whatever those reasons are, we may never understand.
So I guess I took the rejection and tried to channel it into determination so I just applied to like 6 different newspapers in the state. Now I realize this will probably just lead to about 6 more rejections, but I will have to keep trying until something comes along that I'm meant to do, whatever that may be.
I also started looking into trying to put in some freelance writing into different places just to get my work out there. I've never looked into doing freelance so this is a very new experience and I have no clue what to do!
At any rate, this day has been incredibly frustrating and inspiring at the same time! Everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason....