
Everyone has a thing! Or at least everyone should have a thing, right? One time, not too long ago someone said to me if you don't have y...

Everyone has a thing! Or at least everyone should have a thing, right? One time, not too long ago someone said to me if you don't have yourself what do you have? And they were right. That quote has really stuck with me. I think about that in everything I've done since then. Another quote that always lends a hand in most of my decision making is something one of my roommates told me in college. "Does this make you a better person?" I was having a hard time with a boy I liked (go figure) and she said does spending your time with him make you a better person, a better you? And surprise surprise, he didn't!
Anyways, what I'm getting at here is that we spend a lot of time trying to live up to other peoples expectations or do what we think is going to impress someone else. We might dress like others to fit in or feel the need to one up each other. What is that doing for anybody? Really nothing. We don't really need a million people dressing the same and doing the same things. Everybody is different for a reason. Some people need to be musicians, writers, or actors. Others are meant to be doctors, lawyers, and police officers.
So find your own thing! Don't waste your time trying to get everyones approval because its not going to happen, and you're going to be pretty unhappy pretending to be something you're not!
If it seems like I'm ranting...I am. It's just so annoying when people are scared to be individuals. Find your own thing and do it. Chances are people are going to like you a lot better than if you pretend to like everything they do and try to be better at everything than they are.
Alright thats my rant...I like to rant...its my thing! ;-)

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