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Breaking News: There's Even More Ways to Stay in Touch!
8/12/2014There are plenty of ways to join in the conversation, say hello or just follow along here at Daily Dose.
- The first way is to sign up by e-mail which can be found along the sidebar on any page on my site; that way every time I create a new post it will get sent straight to your email. Nice, right?
- Another way is by making sure to comment on posts you like! I love hearing from you and this helps me know what content you guys like and want to see more of!
- We now have a Twitter page, just for Daily Dose of Lacey. If you follow us there, you'll not only stay updated with blog posts but you'll get the fun little random thoughts about life throughout the day. That's always fun right?
- A Facebook page has also been added into the mix of things. Updates will always be posted here as well. This way when you are reading what your friends are up to, you can read, share and comment what is going on at Daily Dose. I will also be adding pictures and sharing links there for other fun things as well. Check it out! And please, like that page. It would mean the world to Daily Dose of Lacey!
- That's not all either, you've probably heard of a site called Bloglovin' and it's a great way to follow bloggers, especially if you have several you like to follow. Check the site out and if you like it, follow Daily Dose of Lacey on there as well: right here.
Please, follow along with Daily Dose of Lacey in any and all ways. It's still a young blog but the more momentum and support we get, the more we will be able to offer you! I can't wait to get to know all of you even more. Thanks again for reading and remember, comments are always welcome! Do you like having all of these extra ways to join in the conversation?