12/27/2010I'm starting to think its about that time that I take a technology break...I did this last winter I think maybe. I went a week without facebook. It was actually really challenging, just to go a week. With my smartphone I'm checking facebook, e-mail, blogging, texting, every second of everyday! I almost annoy myself. Its not like I'm so popular I have to make sure I'm constantly checking my phone and other portals of communication.
I bring this up because I was at the mall or some store a few days before Christmas and everyone was texting, no one was watching where they were going. My first thought was my god people you're at the mall, enjoy the company of the people you're with and the atmosphere of the Christmas rush. My second thought was...oh no, I just judged these people and I'm doing the EXACT same thing, without even realizing it.
If any of you have ever seen Wall-E, I feel like we're all starting to look and act a bit like the people in that movie. So injected with media influenced messages, we eat what people tell us, we wear what people tell us, we just float around allowing ourselves to be influenced by bright lights and fancy wording. I'm not preaching here because I'm just as guilty as the next guy, believe me. I mean I'm sitting here blogging from my droid.
I remember when I first got a cell phone, 5 years ago. It texted and made phone calls, and I didn't understand how to text, so that took care of that. Now look at me!!
(Oh yeah and people just so you know, when you get that fancy new thing on your phones where you can talk into your phone and it texts what you said to another person. Umm, thats just making a phone call... if you're going to talk you might as well call the person.)
I used to hate my cell phone, I left it sitting at home when I went to work and just checked it when I happen to see it laying around. Now I'm stuck to the things like it's life support. It's ridiculous. My friends would always say I called/texted but you didn't answer, surprise surprise...those days are long gone. I feel rude if I don't answer or reply immediately.
I'm getting worked up just thinking about all of the ways technology is changing us, but mostly changing me. So yeah, its time for a technology break for me, but I feel like its not going to go very well! :-) February will be my month of limited technology, maybe. Well until I muster enough strength to go through with it, I'm just going to judge everyone else!!